Thursday, September 10, 2009

Negative Space and Positive Space 陰陽空間

把視覺對象從其中背景中浮現出來,而讓我們視認得到的東西就叫作「圖」(fingure),其周圍的背景叫「地」(ground)。視野裡如果有兩個不同性質的範圍時,哪部份看成「圖」?哪部份是「地」?主要是受刺激條件、觀者的經驗、態度的影響,尤其是兩個容易成為圖的刺激條件相等時,圖與地會隨時反轉。 例如著名的魯賓(E. Rubin)的盃與臉形的反轉圖,是圖與地經常舉的的例子;他認為看出形狀的是「圖」,圍繞圖的空間就是「地」。(陳俊宏、楊東民,1998

在英文的語彙中,把藝術範疇裡,將物體和物體間所產生出來的影像,稱為「負空間」 (negative space),也就是「地」,看出形狀的「圖」,則為「正空間」 (positive space)。在黑白雙色表現時,「圖」往往以黑色呈現;「地」,所謂的背景,就以白色來表現。而在設計的過程中把圖與地的黑白色對調時,則視覺上會出現這個負空間成為主體,因此,如何把玩這「負空間」,在藝術上或設計領域裡都是主要的關鍵。在許多的好的設計作品中,仔細觀察的話,都可以看到在「圖」與「地」間有很好平衡感。

Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, and not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space is occasionally used to artistic effect as the "real" subject of an image. The use of negative space is a key element of artistic composition.

In a two-tone, black-and-white image, a subject is normally depicted in black and the space around it is left blank (white), thereby forming a silhouette of the subject. However, reversing the tones so that the space around the subject is printed black and the subject itself is left blank causes the negative space to be apparent as it forms shapes around the subject.

Elements of an image that distract from the intended subject, or in the case of photography, objects in the same focal plane, are not considered negative space. Negative space can be used to depict a subject in a chosen medium by showing everything around the subject but not the subject itself. Usage of negative space will produce a silhouette of the subject.

The use of equal negative space, as a balance to positive space, in a composition is considered by many as good design. This basic and often overlooked principle of design gives the eye a "place to rest," increasing the appeal of a composition through subtle means. The term is also used by musicians to indicate silence within a piece.






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