Saturday, September 19, 2009

Grid System & Golden Ratio 座標格線系統、黃金比例

勒.科布西耶(Le Corbusier, 1949)所提出的觀點:原則上,輔助線不是一個預先設定的規則,在一個特定的選擇他們,依據的是形體自身結構的需要,而這些結構是被事先闡明了,事先已經完全真實地存在了,各種輔助線僅僅只是在幾何的平衡意義上建立了順序與明晰的關係,以獲得平衡美感。各種平衡線沒有任何詩意與紓情的想法,他們不會激發作品的主題,也沒有創造性,而他們紮實的建立一個平衡關係,是一件靈活、單純和簡單的概念。

科布西耶是對的,在幾何構成本身並不引發新的概念和靈感,能夠提供創新思想的是一種構成過程,一種分析形體相互關係的手段,一種獲得視覺平衡的方法,而幾何構成是一種將各種元素,如: 座標格線系統、黃金比例等匯集成有系統的方法(Kimberly Elarn, 2001)。即使科布西耶寫到過幾何構成中的直覺感受,但伊拉姆的研究中認為,在設計和建築中的直覺是很少存在的,更多的是深思熟慮地應用知識經驗的結果。





縱觀被記載的歷史,在人造環境中有文字記載人類對各種黃金分割的認知偏好。公元前20世紀到16世紀的史前巨石柱就記載了關於1:1.618比例的黃金矩形的運用,這世最早的證據之一。隨後,文藝復興時期的藝術家和建築家們也研究,記載著黃金分割運用於雕刻、繪畫和建築中外,還存在於自然界中,例如:人體的各種比例,以及動植物和昆蟲的各種成長方式(Kimberly Elarn, 2001)


Grid (page layout)

A typographic grid is a two-dimensional structure made up of a series of intersecting vertical and horizontal axes used to structure content. The grid serves as an armature on which a designer can organize text and images in a rational, easy to absorb manner. The less common printing term “reference grid,” is an unrelated system with roots in the early days of printing.

Web developers have only recently started to show a real interest in grid systems. It is hard to say why it has taken so many years for web developers to become interested in something that has been essential to the written medium in general since the 30s. The necessary technology (HTML and CSS) has been around for a while, but has only recently been applied to the implementation of grid-based layout systems for web pages.

Grids and templates are page layout design patterns used in advertising campaigns and multiple page publications, including websites.

· A grid is a set of guidelines, able to be seen in the design process and invisible to the end-user/audience, for aligning and repeating elements on a page. A page layout may or may not stay within those guidelines, depending on how much repetition or variety the design style in the series calls for. Grids are meant to be flexible. Using a grid to layout elements on the page may require just as much or more graphic design skill than that which was required to design the grid.

· In contrast, a template is more rigid. A template involves repeated elements mostly visible to the end-user/audience. Using a template to layout elements usually involves less graphic design skill than that which was required to design the template. Templates are used for minimal modification of background elements and frequent modification (or swapping) of foreground content.

Golden Ratio, Golden Section

In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are in the golden ratio if the ratio of the sum of the quantities to the larger one equals the ratio of the larger one to the smaller. The golden ratio is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Other names frequently used for the golden ratio are the golden section (Latin: sectio aurea) and golden mean. Other terms encountered include extreme and mean ratio, medial section, divine proportion, divine section (Latin: sectio divina), golden proportion, golden cut, golden number, and mean of Phidias.






Kimberly Elarn(2001), Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition, Princeton Architectural Press.

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